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A Word for 2017

The results of election 2016 brought about a tremendous amount of confusion, division and surprise. But consider this clear word from the Lord; Donald Trump was not chosen to bring about a reprieve for America until some future president is voted in so the bottom can fall out of the country. This man was selected to manage the judgements that will come on the nation in the next 4 years. At some point during the crises, those he has placed around him will begin to call out to the Lord for mercy, which will result in a national call to repentance from the president himself. Awakening will come on the heels of national tragedy as people recognize the sovereign hand of God and respond to the prophetic voices of repentance.

Churches and ministries who refuse to declare the whole counsel of God, are soft on sin and neglect righteous living will be sidelined by God, and the presence of Jesus, that has been striving with them for years will depart. Income will dry up and large buildings will become empty as those hungry for the real Jesus will seek out true voices that have been in the counsel of the Lord. Intimacy with Jesus will become priority over the business of ministry and there will be a clear distinction between the Godly and ungodly. This will create a new tension in American religion because “chameleon” Christians will no longer be able to blend in and hide spiritual duplicity as their lack of power will reveal their hypocrisy.

The Spirit of God will empower real believers with supernatural strength and street miracles, conversions and conviction of sin will draw people to the person of Jesus. There will be sovereign moves of God among Muslims in America and specific demographic groups. American millennials will experience Jesus by the 10’s of thousands and just as the Jesus movement brought wayward children back to Christ, so the Lord will awaken the hearts of a generation to know him again.

Great deliverance will sweep through the homosexual community and those bound by any kind of sexual, substance abuse, mental or emotional addiction will become free. This season of the next four years cannot be a time of ease for the church as we must seek the Lord like never before to prepare ourselves for an influx of “less desirables” into the church and at the same time get ready for what will happen on a national scale as the hand of God moves across the nation in simultaneous judgment and revival.

True believers must set themselves apart now in continual prayer and fasting to prepare for what will take place in the future of America and the nations of the world. Be encouraged as you wait upon the Lord and see his hand in everything.

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